Provides Electronic Component Search Engine and BOM Management System

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Discovered that a part has become obsolete and cannot be sourced on a product that you need to produce? Is keeping track of lifecycle information a time consuming and error prone task? Not able to easily determine where a component is deployed in your every growing product portfolio? Spending lots of time understanding relative pricing and availability information to make the best selection decision? If the answer is yes to any of the above questions, then Ciiva is here to help. is the one stop solution for all of your component and part management needs. We are a company that specializes in electronic component management solutions. With our collaborative and intelligent Bill of Material Management System (BOM) software and Electronic Component Search Engine , finding and managing component and part data has never been easier. Say goodbye to yesterday’s problems.

Founded by a team who collectively have over seventy years of experience in product development and component sourcing, Ciiva has been created to revolutionize electronic component search and BOM management. Integrating information such as lifecycle, alternatives, substitutes, pricing and availability, electronic component datasheets and application notes, Ciiva brings everything you need together in one place.

Our Bill of Materials Software enables efficient, easy and cost effective management of all of your electronic components and parts and overcomes the problems that are typically faced with the traditional method of managing BOMs in Excel spreadsheets. Our online search engine for electronic components provides an extensive amount of detailed component information, allows you to instantly view real time pricing and availability information, as well as buy and sell excess inventory for those parts that are sitting on the shelf collecting dust. It is time to start saving time and money today.

So what makes our BOM management system so effective? Unlike with Excel spreadsheets, Bill of Materials are managed in the hierarchical structure that they need to be in to enable correct representation and management of multi-level assemblies and second source, alternative and substitute parts. Our software is collaborative, and with a centralized component library, multiple people have access to the same data source, preventing fragmentation and error propagation. With complete integration with the Electronic Component Search Engine, part information such as lifecycle, real time pricing and availability information is at your fingertips in a single click.

So, what are you waiting for? Starting saving time and money today, and stop making the same errors and mistakes again tomorrow. With our Freemium subscription, you can get started right now at no cost at .