Why it is Vital to Protect Our Skin from UV Radiations

Published Categorized as Health

Vitamin D is of utmost importance to our body. Since, sun is the best source of Vitamin D, it is important for us to take the heat of the sun in order to gain the much needed Vitamin. But, the heat of the sun not only brings you Vitamin D but also burns your skin with the ozone layer depleted. The suns’ harmful Ultra-Violet radiations cause harm to the skin by burning the skin cell DNA. This damage to the skin cell DNA accelerates the aging process causing wrinkles, dryness and loose skin while also increasing the risk of skin cancer. Various sunblock pill and creams are available in the market which can help protect your skin from the aging process. These pills ensure resistance against the sun’s scathing heat by improving the natural skin defense.

The best sun block pills use polypodium leucotomos fern’s extract. Commonly known as PLE, the extract is known to provide protection to the skin from sunburn damage. PLE has anti-oxidant properties which help improve the body’s resistance against UV radiations and auto-immune conditions. Auto-immune disorder is a condition when the body’s immune system fight’s the body’s healthy cells, mistaking them to be foreign cells. One such auto-immune disorder is Vitiligo.

Vitiligo involves loss of pigmentation leaving the skin patchy in parts. This patchy skin is caused as the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the melanocytes which produce melanin pigment. Various skin pigmentation treatment supplements are available in the markets to counter such diseases and one such online market place is Immunotrax. Immunotrax provides a range of skin care supplements with quality PLE to increase the body’s immune strength against UV radiations and auto-immune diseases. The company also recommends the use of its pigment protection treatment to people using UV treatment therapy.

About Immunotrax:

Immunotrax is an online store selling PLE supplement products to protect the skin against harmful effects of UV radiations of the sun and other skin diseases. Apart from skin care products, Immunotrax also sells hair loss pills amongst its wide range of products.

For more information, log on to: Immunotrax.com.